DescriptionBasic revive information Learn about heath, dying, reviving, healing and associated skills. Objectives - Learn about health
- Find the Medical guide (61388, 75346)
- Talk to the Medical guide
DialogPort Atlantis Offical One thing that you will have to learn about is health. Calypso is a dangerous world, with a lot of strange beasts, robots, maurauding Wastelanders et cetera, and to most of them, you are just lunch. And that means you will probably have to get medical attention
At the bottom right of your heads-up display, there's a health bar. It shows your health status and will decrease when you are hurt. As time goes bye, you will slowly heal injuries. You will notice this by your health bar increasing.
If you want to heal yourself or someone else quickly you will have to use a healing took, such as the Vivo. If you activate the tool without a target, you heal yourself. If you aim it at a target and activate it, the target is healed. How much health you or the target regains depends on your skill level and the quality of the healing tool.
Eventually, your health runs out. When that happens, you die. That is not as bad as it sounds, as Calypso has a network of revival terminals. Basically, as your life signs fial, you are teleported to the nearest revival terminal. You dont have to have been there before. There you are revived from salvaged DNA and a snapshot of your mind. It's a remnant from the First Robot War, but still in use today. It hurts a lot being killed, and you usually end up a very long way away, but there are no long term side effect from being revived. The short-term effect is that your health is extremely low when being revived.
You can activate the revive teleported without being killed (press 'T" and wait 60 seconds). You will end up at the nearest revival terminal. You dont have to have been there before. There are no ill effects from using the revive terminal this way, except that you may end up at a different location than desired, if there is another terminal that is closer to you. Your health is not affected.
- Next: Find the medical guide
There is a medical guide over at the north gate, northwest of Bank Neverdie. She will guide you about heath, death and revival from now on. Why dont you go see her ? She is marked on your satnav and your map if you track this mission. Just go up the stairs and to the right, and then north past the Equipment and Economy building and past the bank.
On talking to the Medical Guide: Hello. I'm the medical guide, and I am here to tell you about the health issues like death and how to deal with it. Close to here is a revive terminal. Why don't you walk up to it and find out more about it?
Choices: - Okay, I will
- Thanks, but not now.