Society: AF-RFC (alliance-franco)
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Leader:iulrorck bark abaddon
Founder:iulrorck bark abaddon
People Rank:90
Average HP:126.7
Average Total Skill:98879.1
Average Highest Skill:4484.4
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Some of the members in this society.

Full NameGiven NameSociety RankCountryProfessionHighest SkillTotal SkillsHealthDate of ArrivalPlace of Arrival
 ale raoul batarale batarVoyageur expĂ©rimentĂ©FranceHunter2870 9925-04-2004Port Atlantis
 Arkin Ark EstaArkinSenior travelerCanada    21-09-2005Port Atlantis
 Arthur De Labas Employee       
 celine cece folledeguerre employeFrance 393242676109 pa
 Fabrice Fab EsteldinFabrice FranceHunter1422761092 Port Atlantis
 firejuggler water zabimaltawaterEmployeeFranceMake PED718520547116717-10-2004 
 ian ptit minus cortexptitminus France      
 iulrorck bark abaddoniulrorckCEOFrance      
 Om Om ShantishantiEmployeeBelgiumMiner / Hunter / Crafter42717850012015-04-2003Port Atlantis
pilot1 aiRFlyCie RFCaiRFlyCie FrancePilot200    
 Raoul Juannito Le VertJuannito FranceMiner, Hunter5410105817130  
 Sven Melbus ChristensenSven FranceHunter/texture crafter770020500017312-04-2007Port Atlantis
 Sverd Vondur BhaalVondur FranceHunter6934104921144  
 Vincent vzvz92 Roulouvzvz92 Canada 468578340118  
 Yvette la stroumphette stroumphetteStroumphette FranceHunter/sweater :)47196157711501-12-2005Port Atlantis

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